GIAN, TELL ME: Find refuge in loss with God

By Gian Carlo Villatoro

Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa

All of us go through different experiences in life that remind us of the movie, “Castaway,” and the character, Wilson. Somehow we all have our “Wilson.” Something that makes us feel that we are not alone. But eventually, like it happens in the movie, Wilson leaves us. Then what? It is absolutely devastating to let things go, to let someone go. Even to let life go and say, “It’s okay with my soul.”

Perhaps you hate the idea. After all, who likes that? I don’t. I don’t like the idea of losing someone that I love. That is probably the hardest part of life. It is hard to let things go, but to let “someone” go, that is probably one of the hardest things in life.

Does the Lord know how much we suffer when that happens? Is He aware of our feelings when we say goodbye to that person we love so much? Is it possible that people in general don’t know what it is to let someone go that you love so much?

While you go through all those thoughts, you become really sad, and maybe lost. It is precisely in those moments when you are so close to finding, in our Lord God, the refuge that you need the most. The place of peace and comfort. The embrace, the love, the words, and even the touch of the most loving person in the whole universe. The Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Alpha and the Omega. Our Lord God Almighty, the One who loves you the most, more than you will be able to comprehend, on this side of Eternity.

Wilson needs to go so you can focus on your next move.

Yes, you might be lost in the ocean of many difficulties, but with our Lord you will never be alone. He is your protector, your guide, your sustainer, your deliverer, your provider, your best friend, your Heavenly Father, your past, your present, and your future. The Lord will lead you to find the destiny that you were made to be, in order to do something amazing for Him, your Lord, and for many others that will be inspired by your own survival story. Goodbye Wilson, and thank you for what you did for me.