There’s not enough love in the world and the leaders of First Love Outreach are taking the initiative to address that problem.

Held back for a long time by COVID, Tammy Argo, Tim Mayfield and a host of volunteers from Life Unlimited Church have resumed visiting law enforcement officers, firefighters, nursing homes and apartment complexes with stuffed animals, drinks, food and most essentially hugs and other expressions of recognition and admiration.

“The first responders have been very receptive,” said Argo, who may be reached at 362-1911. “We have visited the ladies at Mission Messiah and we’ve been to the High Sky Children’s Ranch.

“Showing appreciation to people is very needed in this day and age. All some people need is a hug and a pat on the back. You’re showing God’s love to them and doing what he tells us to do. We have also fed the homeless.

“We came up with the name because we just desire to love on people who need to know that there are people in the world who care about them.”

Argo said the program is financed by the congregation of Life Unlimited Church at 4224 Northeast Loop 338 and other supporters.

“We tell the congregation what we plan on doing and then report back on what we have done and how it was received,” she said.

The Rev. Kris Bartley, pastor, said the church backs the First Love Outreach program because it is perfectly in concert with Life Unlimited’s goal “to reach out to the whole community and take care of it because a lot of times people don’t get the support they deserve.

“I like getting outside the four walls of the church and helping people,” the Rev. Bartley said. “It’s in line with the tenets of Christianity because Jesus’s purpose was to help people. It’s a great ministry. We need more like it.”