Trustees visit Ector

Three members of the Ector County ISD Board of Trustees and several district officials visited Ector College Prep Middle School Wednesday to take in the environment and get a sample of the classes.

Ector is an in-district charter operated by Third Future Schools. They also have an elementary school, Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary, in Midland.

The board members wanted to visit and said they were impressed.

Mike Miles, CEO of Third Future, led the officials through the campus and presented information about the school.

The visiting officials included ECISD Board President Tammy Hawkins, Secretary Carol Gregg, member Donna Smith and Superintendent Scott Muri.

ECISD Board President Tammy Hawkins said she thought Third Future had done a good job and she was impressed.

“It’s a massive turnaround from what I’ve seen,” board Secretary Carol Gregg said.

Hawkins said she enjoyed seeing the students and the interaction. She added that there seems to be more structure.

“And I think with a lot of things that are going on now there’s going to be tremendous growth. I think … there’s a real buy-in that y’all have made with these children,” Hawkins said.