Education Partnership backs ECISD bond

The Education Partnership of the Permian Basin is endorsing the proposed ECISD bond issues.

The Partnership is a nonprofit organization focused on improving educational outcomes in the Permian Basin, cradle to career.

The vision of the EPPB is to help build a community where students love to learn, teachers love to teach, and people love to live, while the mission is to be the highest performing educational region in the state of Texas.

“Although we support all school systems in the Permian Basin, and are not exclusive to any one community, based on our goals and focus, we wholeheartedly support the ECISD Bond, Propositions A & B,” according to a statement from the group.

“As a region, we face severe challenges in the areas of education and workforce development. Subsequently, we feel that the measures in the ECISD Bond will help address these challenges. Having new facilities, such as a state-of-the-art Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center, will help provide the space and equipment needed to train and prepare our future workforce. Additionally, providing technology upgrades to all classrooms throughout ECISD will also assist with student achievement and preparation. Lastly, the construction of a new comprehensive high school, will not only alleviate the severe over-crowding at the two pre-existing comprehensive high schools, but it will also provide more opportunities for students to participate in academic programming and extracurricular activities, such as fine arts, athletics, and more,” the statement detailed.

“We know that as a region, our continued growth and prosperity is contingent upon how well we educate our students and prepare them for our workforce. It is for this reason that the Education Partnership of the Permian Basin supports the ECISD Bond, Propositions A & B,” it said.

Election Day is May 7 with early voting through May 3.