ECISD February focus on showing love to community

During the month of February, Ector County ISD is challenging students, staff and the community to put Love in Action through a series of events that will culminate with the collection of new or gently used uniforms to be donated to students in need.

Love in Action kicked off last week as ECISD students completed a pledge committing to showing love in action, and encouraging them to share those pledges on social media using the hashtag, #ECISDShowLove.

This week, the focus turns to taking care of ourselves. ECISD’s parent engagement effort, called emPOWERed, offers some tips for self-care. You can find that information at the Love in Action page.

Then on Feb. 17, the ECISD Administration Building, 802 N. Sam Houston, will be the location of the uniform collection. Donations of new or gently used uniforms will be collected for the ECISD Outreach Center to give to students who need them. Between now and then, uniforms can be dropped off at any school or office; all will be collected at the end of the day on Feb. 17.