2022 Project Graduation needs donations

When spring rolls around, only one thing is on the minds of high school seniors across the country: graduation.

As a rite of passage, graduation night is unequaled in the eyes of youth. It is a night to be proud, to celebrate past achievements, and to look forward to the future. But some teens mistakenly think that the best way to celebrate on graduation night is to drink alcohol, a release said.

In the past, graduation parties involving alcohol have left some graduating seniors with hangovers, embarrassing memories, and in trouble with their parents, friends, and/or the police. Some others were not so lucky. The name “Project Graduation” was coined 30 years ago by planners in Maine, where a total of 18 people had died during two graduation seasons due to alcohol-related crashes.

Project Graduation is a parent-lead event through the schools to give the students a safe alternative to celebrate their accomplishments with friends in a safe environment. Thanks to the parents who volunteer their time, the sponsors who contribute in-kind and monetary donations, and the community support this event would not be possible. This event is a lock-in event at the Odessa College Sports Center that starts right after graduation and will last until 6 a.m. the next morning. There will be raffle prizes and plenty of games and food to keep them busy and having fun all night.