Crisis Center of West Texas announces 5th annual Teen Leadership Council

Applications are now open for Crisis Center of West Texas’ 5th annual Teen Leadership Council.

CCWTX invites students entering grades 9-12 to apply for the 2023-2024 school year. TLC is made up of high school students from across the Permian Basin, promotes leadership, encourages advocacy for consent and healthy relationships, and provides students with a path to give back while helping end domestic and sexual violence in their community.

TLC will meet twice a month, exact dates to be announced. Council members will receive education and training in preventing violence, leading to the completion of an individual or team project focused on prevention education in the community. TLC members are eligible to receive volunteer hours including Texas Scholar Hours, AVID and/or other community service hours.

Being part of TLC helps elevate your academic resume while helping our community receive preventative education to combat interpersonal violence.

To be eligible, you must be a high school student in the Permian Basin and able to commit to meetings twice a month through the 2023-2024 school year.

The application deadline is Sept. 12 by 11:59 p.m.

Students, parents, or school staff with questions are encouraged to contact CCWTX Prevention Education Specialist Ale Varela at [email protected].