COVID-19 vaccines

Medical Center Hospital will be administering Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the drive-thru clinic at Ratliff Stadium, south main entrance. The clinic will start at 9 a.m. and gates close at 2 p.m. today and tentatively open on Friday only if vaccines remain. Clinic is for Phase 1A – frontline workers and Phase 1B – most at-risk and for ages 65 and older. Online registration requested for quicker onsite processing. For those, that are not able to register online will be rerouted to a waiting area to register before vaccination. Wear short sleeve clothing easy to access arm. Bring a valid driver’s license or other photo ID. To preregister or for more information, visit For those looking for a way to help, email [email protected].
Odessa Regional Medical Center, 520 E. Sixth St., is expecting COVID-19 vaccines soon. The vaccine is free of charge while supplies last. Please check on vaccine availability. For more information, call 432-582-8549 or visit
Walgreens has limited COVID19 vaccines available in select areas. For eligibility requirements or more information, visit
H-E-B Pharmacies are prepared to receive new allotments of COVID-19 vaccine at any time from the state of Texas. Once they have vaccine, eligible customers can sign up using the scheduler to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. To sign up, updates or information, visit
CVS stores are administering the COVID-19 vaccine by appointment only in select stores, based on local eligibility guidelines. For updates or information, visit
Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies are administering the COVID-19 vaccine based on state and federal eligibility guidelines in select areas. For updates, visit