2021 Fall Electrical Lineman Program graduation

Fourteen students will demonstrate their skills for prospective employers during graduation for Odessa College’s electrical lineman program.

The event is set for 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Odessa College Lineman Training Facility at the Odessa College West Campus, 2164 W. I-20, on the north service road just west of the West I-20 and West County Road intersection

With their resumes on hand, the electrical lineman class members will demonstrate their skills for family members and representatives from numerous local utilities companies and area electrical companies.

In response to a need for skilled electrical linemen which had been identified in the Permian Basin area, Odessa College has offered the electrical lineman course beginning in the spring of 2017. The Permian Basin is still in need of trained employees in this field and most of the students who successfully complete the certification course have already received or will receive job offers from electrical and utilities companies located in the Permian Basin, a news release said.

Registration is currently open for the next electrical lineman certification course which will begin Jan. 10, 2022. For more information, call 432-335-6580 or visit: www.odessa.edu/community/ce/index.html