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Two new service projects at First Presbyterian Church were recently blessed by the Rev. Mary Beth Anton with several congregants present.

The Little Free Pantry known as, The Blessing Box, is located outside the south doors of the First Presbyterian sanctuary located at 14th Street and Sam Houston Avenue. This box was graciously built for the church by Mike Meyer, during the pandemic.

The Blessing Box may be filled with items like cereal, granola bars, Vienna sausage, crackers, jars of peanut butter, pantry items, small laundry detergent, bath soap, formula, feminine hygiene products, tooth paste, basically anything a person could use.

There are numerous students walking in the church’s neighborhood so they wanted to have items that children and youth could enjoy for an after school or weekend snack.

FPC encourages anyone, especially in their neighborhood that has a need to visit the Blessing Box.

The Little Free Library known as, The Garden of Readin with the reading bench is filled with books of different genres for adults and children. It is also located outside the south doors of the sanctuary.

The books are always a gift and never sold. Everyone is encouraged to stop by and grab a book or two to enjoy.

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