GOOD NEWS: American Momentum Bank collects school supplies for local charity

American Momentum Bank associates are, from left: Jaqueline Carrasco, Leslie Sotelo, Dulce Salcedo and Pamela Nevarez. (Courtesy Photo)

MIDLAND American Momentum Bank spent the month of July collecting school supplies to support The Rainbow Room, an emergency resource room located within Child Protective Services (CPS) offices in the state of Texas. Bank associates and clients donated school supplies, which were given to The Rainbow Room in Midland and Odessa to include in backpacks for children in the care of CPS.

“As a local community bank, giving back is incredibly important to our team,” said Jarod Thomas, West Texas President of American Momentum Bank. “Organizations like The Rainbow Room support the most vulnerable in our community, and we’re pleased to assist them as they help prepare students for a successful school year.”

In the Rainbow Room, CPS caseworkers can get supplies for children who are victims of abuse or neglect such as clothing, school supplies, diapers, and much more. This is the second year American Momentum Bank supported The Rainbow Room through its school supply drive. Last year, the charity was able to fill 400 backpacks with the help of community partners like American Momentum Bank.

Each year, The Rainbow Room collects new school supplies, including backpacks, pens and pencils, composition notebooks and binders, to provide students in foster care with the tools they need to start the school year.

American Momentum Bank’s Midland and Odessa locations participated in the school supply drive this year, and bank associates delivered school supplies to The Rainbow Room’s Odessa location on Aug. 4.