MASTER GARDENERS: Replacing plants lost during the freeze

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Most homeowners lost plants during our winter freeze. Master Gardeners are getting questions about what to plant to replace...

GARDENING: Neches white clover

By Jeanette Castanon Neches white clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a synthetic variety of intermediate white clover with 147 parent plants selected for early and...

MASTER GARDENERS: Crossvine can climb almost anything

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Next time you are looking for a plant to dress up a fence, building or just want to add...

MASTER GARDENERS: Butterfly magnet a staple on any Texas pollinator plant list

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Called by many common names, Conclinium greggii is well known to anyone who gardens for pollinators. Most simply call...

GARDENING: Take a pro-active approach to conserve pollinators

By Jeanette Castanon Pollinators include insects such as beetles, bees, ants, wasps, butterflies and moths; of these, bees pollinate the largest number of plant species....

MASTER GARDENERS: Tough Texas native adds color during hot summer months

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Lantana! My favorite plant (Debbie, not Emmy). I’ve had these plants and kept them alive even before 2013. That...

GARDENING: Outstanding shade-bloomer

By Jeanette Castanon The Texas Gold Columbine is one of the most spectacular shade-blooming plants. Before the introduction of any plant, years of testing and...

MASTER GARDENERS: Attractive, blue-green plant stands out

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Gopher Plant (Euphorbia rigida) is an import from the Mediterranean and southwest Asia. Its Latin name tells us a...

GARDENING: Water well screening is Wednesday

By Jeanette Castanon The Texas Well Owner Network is hosting a water well screening Wednesday in Odessa to give area residents the opportunity to have...

MASTER GARDENERS: Native mesquites are an excellent landscape tree

By Debbie Roland and Emmy Ulmschneider Master Gardeners Mention the name mesquite and most Texans will roll their eyes! But under the right conditions mesquites are an...