ESTRICH: More police in school?

Recently, some 500 students walked out of one of Los Angeles’ best known high schools to protest inadequate security at school. The walkout took...

TEXAS VIEW: Circling the wagons is good for electing Texas Republicans, but bad for...

True democracy requires participation. Not just from voters, but from politicians. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned this political cycle, it’s that too many...

GUEST VIEW: Should we trust the government with our health?

By G. Keith Smith, M.D. As government is telling us where we can go and how we must behave during the COVID pandemic, we must...

CHAREN: Why are you a patriot?

A few months ago, some marketer got hold of my cellphone number, and I’ve been deluged ever since with text appeals from MAGA world...

TONI SAYS: How to avoid a Medicare Part D penalty

By Toni King Hello Toni: I retired in April and had a telemarketing agent help me find a Medicare Supplement which began May 1, 2022. No...

ESTRICH: 17 years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit

The year was 1995. Kristine Bunch was a 22-year-old single mother, wrongly arrested and charged and ultimately sentenced to 60 years in prison. For...

NATIONAL VIEW: 50 years later, the Clean Water Act is under assault

President Richard Nixon vetoed the Clean Water Act in 1972. But Congress overrode him on a bipartisan vote, and the landmark law to reverse...

LANDGRAF: From the Capitol to the Basin

By State Rep. Brooks Landgraf As chairman of the House Committee on Environmental Regulation, I scheduled a committee hearing to investigate the proposed EPA regulations...

MANNING: Crime is on the ballot

By Rick Manning Murders are up 50 percent since mid-2019 in major cities and Democrat catch and release policies are squarely in the voters crosshairs. The...

HART: The left finally turns on the Jan. 6 Committee’s show ‘trial’

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” — Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s Secret Police Get Trump, the ongoing daytime drama produced...