NATIONAL VIEW: Biden says he’ll debate Trump. When?

Is President Biden going to debate Donald Trump as the November election nears? “I am. Somewhere. I don’t know when,” Mr. Biden said last...

NATIONAL VIEW: Fox-Dominion settlement: A verdict against the network might have hurt all of...

The wailing you heard across the land Tuesday, April 18, was the sound of thousands of journalists lamenting the settlement of the defamation lawsuit...

NATIONAL VIEW: Biden should take voters’ concerns about age seriously

Only 47% of Democrats want to see Joe Biden on the ballot in 2024, according to the latest Associated Press poll. That’s not because...

NATIONAL VIEW: About that ‘record’ defense budget

The White House is touting President Biden’s U.S. military budget for fiscal 2024 as a record, and Mr. Biden is betting busy Americans won’t...

NATIONAL VIEW: Florida is trying to take away the American right to speak freely

A homeowner gets angry at a county commission over a zoning dispute and writes a Facebook post accusing a local buildings official of being...

NATIONAL VIEW: A bigger subsidy for risky mortgages

Housing prices are falling after surging 40% during the pandemic. This should help buyers frozen out of the market by rising mortgage rates. So...

NATIONAL VIEW: All judges must adhere to ethical standards, even Supreme Court justices

The U.S. Supreme Court is the pinnacle of the American judicial system, so one might assume that justices on the highest court in the...

NATIONAL VIEW: A coming defense spending boost in Europe?

Vladimir Putin has thrown 97% of his army into Ukraine, U.K. officials said recently, and the Russian dictator is betting he can grind down...

NATIONAL VIEW: India’s proud tradition of a free press is at risk

The misuse of their powers to intimidate, censor, silence or punish independent news media is an alarming hallmark of populist and authoritarian leaders. Prime Minister...

NATIONAL VIEW: Answers — not panic — are needed about strange objects in...

When President Biden gave the order Sunday for a fighter jet to shoot down an unidentified aerial object over Lake Huron, aides said he...