NATIONAL VIEW: Big Tech’s power over speech is concerningTHE POINT: We’ve ceded too much...

Thanks to the 1st Amendment, government in the United States has little power to stop people from speaking their minds. But the Bill of...

SULLUM: Prosecuting Trump for incitement would set a dangerous precedent

When Simon & Schuster canceled publication of Josh Hawley's book "The Tyranny of Big Tech," the Missouri senator called the decision "a direct assault...

CHAREN: The Journal epitomizes the failure of elite conservatism

The Wall Street Journal editorial page is probably the most influential elite conservative outlet in the country. Fox News, talk radio and the rest...

ESTRICH: The traitor on top

What do you say of a man who openly seeks to subvert the Constitution and incites his supporters to take over the Capitol of...

NATIONAL VIEW: Trump caused the assault on the CapitolTHE POINT: He must be removed.

President Trump's refusal to accept his election defeat and his relentless incitement of his supporters led Wednesday to the unthinkable: an assault on the...

CHAPMAN: Georgia delivers a victory for moderation

In recent years, the American political system has featured a clash of extremes. Republicans moved so sharply to the right that even past presidential...

SULLUM: The case against Julian Assange is also a case against the press

The British judge who blocked Julian Assange's extradition to the United States on Monday was persuaded by psychiatric testimony indicating a "substantial risk" that...

TEXAS VIEW: Austin isn’t a war zoneTHE POINT: Texas isn’t a police state, Gov....

WARNING: Unwary travelers daring to venture into Austin these days will encounter a situation much more dire than clogged traffic on I-35 and homeless...

GUEST VIEW: Science can save us – again

As devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic has been, it is not the first or even the worst of infectious disease outbreaks. Smallpox scoured the...

SULLUM: Trump blames everyone but himself for his defeat

Donald Trump's presidency provided a rich trove of examples for my annual review of the year's highlights in blame-shifting. The 2020 edition focuses on...