SULLUM: Cornell’s president defends free speech against illiberal impulses

The last time I spoke at Cornell University, the turnout was tiny but attentive. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who graduated from Cornell a few...

ESTRICH: The twilight of a legend

Dianne Feinstein, now 89 years old, has been a legend in California politics since the day she stepped in to serve as mayor of...

TONI SAYS: Can a clinical trial prescription drug avoid the donut hole?

By Toni King Toni: I turn 65 in May and am covered by my wife’s employer group health insurance. I’m fighting stage 3 kidney cancer and...

NEWBURY: Judgmental me

Way back when, I agreed to serve as judge of pageants held annually in Fort Stockton and DeLeon. I—and another couple of judges—were to...

CHAREN: Is Clarence Thomas crooked?

The journalists at ProPublica are proud of their scoop about Justice Clarence Thomas accepting scads of luxury gifts over the years from a billionaire...

HART: It’s ‘like, literally amazing’ how sloppy language has become

Maybe I am getting old. I remember a time when TV and water were free and porn cost money. I remember when LGBT meant...

ELDER: Pro-life: The political disadvantage

Polls suggest Republicans fared poorly during the 2022 midterms over the issue of abortion. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, putting the matter...

SULLUM: It’s hard to see who was victimized by Trump’s 34 alleged felonies

Since the New York indictment of Donald Trump was unsealed last week, critics across the political spectrum have noted the legal problems with transforming...

CHAREN: Who’s really undermining the rule of law?

You hear it said in responsible quarters of the right that Democrats are undermining the rule of law by handing up an indictment of...

THE IDLE AMERICAN: Rusty to the rescue

They generally give us the benefit of the doubt even when we are dead wrong, wagging their tails while licking the hands that feed...