A SHARP LIFE: Lego marks 60 years, still a pain in the foot

Today, is the 60th anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most...

A SHARP LIFE: Lego hits 60, still pain in the foot

Today, is the 60th anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most...

SULLUM: Stop warrantless snooping on Americans

During the course of two hours last Jan. 11, Donald Trump offered two diametrically opposed takes on a surveillance bill making its way through...

CHAREN: What is the real message of #MeToo?

The feminist website Babe published an account of a date gone bad. The pushback has been swift and sharp. I share some of the...

ELDER: Under the new Trump standard, why wasn’t Obama impeached?

In the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats think presidents should be impeached over policy differences.In Trump’s case, the Democrats accuse him of winning...

HART: A week in the life of a ‘very stable genius’

People can often “misunderestimate” just how hard it is to be a “very stable genius” all the time. So it is with Trump, battling...

CHAREN: Sofia Vergara, Frozen Embryos and Forced Procreation

The Supreme Court of Colorado will soon rule on whether a person has a constitutional right to not procreate. The dispute is between Drake...

SULLUM: Federalists can’t support a cannabis crackdown

Before last Jan. 4, state-licensed marijuana merchants operated in a highly uncertain legal environment, subject to the whims of federal prosecutors who could at...

CHAPMAN: Trump’s brazen hypocrisy on human rights in Iran

As protesters march in Iran, the U.S. government has emerged as a brave champion of human rights. “The great Iranian people have been repressed...

WILLIAMS: Dirty college secrets

A frequent point I have made in past columns has been about the educational travesty happening on many college campuses. Some people have labeled...