DAWNINGS: Developing your theology of violenceThe Rev. Dawn Weaks is the co-pastor of Connection Church in Odessa.

We hear about so much violence in our world that we are tempted to say it is worse than ever. I’m not sure that is the case, but we do have weapons which cause more damage than ever. We have grown soul-weary of mass shootings. When you hear about such violence, what is your response if you are a person of Christian faith? How do you choose to respond to violence?
Throughout Christian history, a theological struggle has existed: Are Christians to be pacifist? The overwhelming evidence in the New Testament tells us yes. Love your enemies, and turn the other cheek, our Lord Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. Overcome evil with good, and heap kindness upon the heads of your enemies, the apostle Paul said in Romans. In Revelation, when the conquering hero is revealed in chapter 5, it’s a gentle Lamb, not a warrior. It’s pretty hard to find anything but pacifism as the Christian way of life in the New Testament.
But of course there is the Old Testament, which we also honor as the word of God. Though it has plenty of foundation for pacifism (think “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord” in Deuteronomy 32 and “Come let us reason together” in Isaiah 1), violence against enemies is sometimes condoned in the Old Testament. So the debate continues. Some Christians have continued to take a purist pacifist stance, which is in keeping with the earliest Christians. Other sincere Christians, starting with the reign of Constantine in the 4th century, developed beliefs which allow violence in certain instances only. The Just War doctrine is an example of restrained use of violence. The belief is that though violence may be necessary in our broken world, it must be controlled and used reasonably.
What is important to me is not what side you lean towards- pacifist or limited violence intended to repel violence. What I care about is that you are thinking biblically and theologically and historically about it! In every generation, the Christian faith has had witnesses who assessed the dangers, challenges, and opportunities for witness in their day, and chose to walk in Christ’s ways of courage and wisdom. It is our turn in this generation. So think, think, think, and pray, pray, pray. Don’t let the pressures of fear keep you from the ancient paths laid before us. Know why you choose to live as you do. And may the peace of Christ, which passes all worldly understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!