LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fix our streets and do it now

By M. A. Frasier, Odessa

I don’t think there’s a street in Odessa not full of bumps, squiggly tar lines or crevices that are one to two feet wide etc.

During the boom times—the city authorities’ excuses are not enough workers to do the job. Then when things slow down—well…

The money from boom times for the repairs has disappeared. They say they don’t have enough to do proper repairs or replacement of asphalt.

I’m so tired, and many others in Odessa also, of traveling over streets in such disrepair. This city especially ignores the streets coming into our city from the interstate — Grandview, Dixie, Grant, and County Road West should be in much better shape than they are. Especially Grant Street which leads right to downtown Odessa. And of course to the area of the new convention center and hotel they love to reference as bringing tourists and business to downtown Odessa.

Well if I was a tourist or visitor to Odessa by the time I’d taken a beating driving to downtown Odessa I’d turn around and leave to better places.

The intersections on Grant Street downtown are the worst. Especially Second and Grant,— the worst offender. Can’t even drive 5 mph through that intersection

And subsequent ones from there and if you had dentures they’d fly right out of your mouth. Whiplash and backpain is what a person will get traveling on the streets of Odessa.

So city council and mayor: See if you can cough up enough money to repair our streets in a manner consistent with the money taken in to beautify this city.

Maybe then the visitors will come.