November sales tax check up more than 7%

The City of Odessa’s November sales tax check, which reflects sales made in September, was up 7.39% compared to last year at this time.

According to a City of Odessa news release, the city received a check of $5,927,300.90. This amount includes the Economic Development sales tax of one quarter cent. The City of Odessa will receive $4,741,840.72 and the Odessa Development Corporation will receive $1,185,460.18. The year-to-date total sales tax revenue for FY22-23 is up 29.96% or $2,148,547.26 as compared to the budgeted amount expected at this point in the fiscal year. In addition, the ‘22-23 year-to-date amount is above the previous fiscal year-to-date amount by $1,416,236.58 or 17.92%

The city has budgeted $44 million in net sales tax revenues for this current fiscal year.

According to Medical Center Hospital, the hospital district is scheduled to receive $5,029.309 in sales tax this month.