GIAN, TELL ME: Let’s start this year with hope

By Gian Carlo Villatoro

Pastor, Victory Church

The main reason why we refuse the idea of being hopeful, is because of our pain. Over and over, feelings of hostility and bitterness, rise within us when we remember all the bad things that people have done.

The Lord God understands perfectly what disappointment is. He is experienced in getting hurt, all the time, everywhere, by all kinds of people. People never stop hurting the good Lord with their behavior and their actions.

That is what we live, constantly on a daily basis, in our personal life, and also in our work or business. We need to remember that Christianity is based on forgiveness. We must forgive everybody, all the time.

If you are expecting to have a good 2023, you need to start right there, because releasing yourself from the chains of vengeance is a great thing to do. You will be okay with yourself, and with our good Lord. With this you will move to the next level, which is to live a life filled with hope.

The good Lord has wonderful plans for His children in 2023. However, there are many people that will suffer whether they are rich or poor, whether they are white or any other race, or whether they are Americans or any other nationality, because everyone will reap what they sow.

You can dream and hope for a wonderful year when you are doing God’s will, when you are reading the scripture every day, and when you are reflecting on what He wants you to do. How hard is this? Well, it’s as hard as you want to make it. If you are stubborn, don’t expect great things for you in your future. But if you are humble and obedient to God’s word, you will have a wonderful year 2023, although you will see many sad things happening to other people.

I encourage you to be faithful to the good Lord in your heart, in your mind, in your personal life, in your finances, in everything. Your loyalty to the good Lord shows your devotion and your true commitment to our great King Jesus.