GOOD NEWS: Drone Launch Demo

Courtesy Photo

Tyler Roberts, Paladin’s Growth Lead, shows Odessa Police Department Sgt. Rusty Martin how to launch the drone to a mission by clicking one button.

Paladin’s system is designed to be as simple as possible; click one button and the drone takes off and flies to the location of the 911 call.

The onboarding starts off by teaching the pilots how to manually fly the Knighthawk. Once they have a feel for the drone, they begin using Watchtower, the DFR software.

Repetition is key during onboarding to ensure many of the questions surrounding the new system, FAA regulations, and best practices can be answered.

Paladin is continuously assisting the pilots in morning calibrations and battery swaps and sit with them during autonomous deployments to answer questions and make sure they are comfortable deploying on their own.

As far as controlling the system, Paladin can teach drone pilots how to fly it in 30 seconds.

For a demo or more information, email [email protected].